Books in "Historical Novel"

Souvenir history of Watervleit
Souvenir history of Watervleit
Die geburtsh©ơlfliche Klinik an der K©œnigl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit©Þt zu Berlin. Erster Bericht. Den Zeitraum von dem Herbste 1829 bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1835 umfassend
Die geburtsh©ơlfliche Klinik an der K©œnigl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit©Þt zu Berlin. Erster Bericht. Den Zeitraum von dem Herbste 1829 bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1835 umfassend
Ser Marcantonio
Ser Marcantonio
A history of England
A history of England
Pestalozzis Berg
Pestalozzis Berg
Le cri de la nation
Le cri de la nation
[Report to Congress submitting information from state governments concerning taxable property]
[Report to Congress submitting information from state governments concerning taxable property]
Les trois amours de Napole on
Les trois amours de Napole on
Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America relative to fisheries, commerce, and navigation
Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America relative to fisheries, commerce, and navigation
[Report 1956]
[Report 1956]
Les communs en Bretagne à la fin de l'ancien régime (1667-1789)
Les communs en Bretagne à la fin de l'ancien régime (1667-1789)
Minden and the Seven Years' War.
Minden and the Seven Years' War.
Aus der ältern Geschichte der Herrschaft Haldenstein und ihrer Inhaber bis auf die Zeit Heinrich Ammanhs von Grüningen
Aus der ältern Geschichte der Herrschaft Haldenstein und ihrer Inhaber bis auf die Zeit Heinrich Ammanhs von Grüningen
Indentured to liberty
Indentured to liberty
Goodbird the Indian
Goodbird the Indian
La galerie des bustes
La galerie des bustes
Un desliz diplomático, la paz hispano-turca
Un desliz diplomático, la paz hispano-turca
The Midshipman Quinn collection
The Midshipman Quinn collection
The North-West farmer in Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, 1891
The North-West farmer in Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, 1891
Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of the war: North and South. 1860-1865.
Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of the war: North and South. 1860-1865.
A Billy Yank governor
A Billy Yank governor
The Negro as a voter
The Negro as a voter
The Schoolmaster Engineer
The Schoolmaster Engineer
Den sidste Athenienser
Den sidste Athenienser
Nightrunners of Bengal.
Nightrunners of Bengal.
Royal Edinburgh
Royal Edinburgh
A history of the county of Schenectady.
A history of the county of Schenectady.
Descendants of Edward Shepard, Cambridge, Mass. (1639)
Descendants of Edward Shepard, Cambridge, Mass. (1639)
America's entry into World War I
America's entry into World War I
Stronbuy; Or, Hanks of Highland Yarn
Stronbuy; Or, Hanks of Highland Yarn
The character of old Russia
The character of old Russia
Protofeminismo, Erotismo Y Comida En La Lozana  Andaluza.
Protofeminismo, Erotismo Y Comida En La Lozana Andaluza.
A short history of Puritanism.
A short history of Puritanism.
Itinéraire d'un chevalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem dans l'île de Rhodes
Itinéraire d'un chevalier de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem dans l'île de Rhodes
Anjou roman
Anjou roman
Pre-historic times
Pre-historic times
For King & Parliament
For King & Parliament
An account of that most excellent medicine the cordial balm of Gilead [and other patent medicines]
An account of that most excellent medicine the cordial balm of Gilead [and other patent medicines]
Il trionfo di Dante
Il trionfo di Dante
The Letters of a Portuguese Nun (Marianna Alcoforado)
The Letters of a Portuguese Nun (Marianna Alcoforado)
Fat and blood
Fat and blood
Annual report on Basutoland
Annual report on Basutoland