Marina; or, An historical and descriptive account of Southport, Lytham, and Blackpool
Gandy Dancers
La Suiza libre, o, Los carbonarios
The history of Europe from 1862 to 1914, from the accession of Bismarck to the outbreak of the Great War
Der Leuchtturm am Michigan
De nonciation d'une theise soutenue au College des Jesuites le 22. mars 1730. faitte a M.M. du Parlement par Mrs. les avocats
Cahier des demandes et repre sentations
Camping out in the Yellowstone, 1882
Yanqui politics and the Isthmian Canal
Hana au temps des tulipes
The three brothers, or The travels and adventures of Sir Anthony, Sir Robert, & Sir Thomas Sherley in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc.
Monaldi: a tale.
Die Zunft der Brauer in Köln in ihrem inneren Wesen und Wirken
Mission au Rwanda
Jack Aubrey commands
Ancient Romans (Worldwise)
Die entwickelung des putto in der plastik der frührenaissance.
Iordanis De origine actibvsqve Getarvm: De origine actibusque Getarum
The flight of Rudolf Hess
The Prince & the Pretender
Qin ding Ming jian
New York Republican state convention, held at Syracuse, September, 18 and 19, 1856
Schedule of convictions made by her Majesty's justices of the peace within the county of Huron
Speech of Mr. Silas Wright, of New-York, on the proposition to amend the tariff
World War II Posters
British women writers of World War II
Maison de Balzac
Patriciske slaegter
El capitán Veneno
24th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, March 30-April 9, 1971
Earthquakes in California, (1888)
Gustave, ou, Un héros canadien
Vallie Sholes in war and love
Southern conference on race relations, Durham, N.C., October 20, 1942.
Aus ©·Osterreichs Vorm©·ar
Sketches of the domestic manners and institutions of the Romans.
California labor's greatest victory
Tables of fees of the Superior Court and Circuit Court for Lower Canada, 1852
Chronicque de la traïson et mort de Richart Deux roy Dengleterre
The history of South Carolina under the royal government, 1719-1776
Rapport, projet de résolution et arrêtés présentés par Bertrand (du Calvados), au nom de la Commission chargée de présenter les moyens de porter les recettes au niveau des dépenses de l'an 7