Books in "Historical Novel"

Le dernier voyage de l'Empereur
Le dernier voyage de l'Empereur
Liberation (World War II)
Liberation (World War II)
Political parties before the Constitution.
Political parties before the Constitution.
De l'avenir financier des Expositions nationales des Beaux-Arts sous le règne de Napoleon III
De l'avenir financier des Expositions nationales des Beaux-Arts sous le règne de Napoleon III
Qubec And The Heritage Of Francoamerica
Qubec And The Heritage Of Francoamerica
Correspondance d'un jeune militaire, ou mémoires du marquis de Luzigni et d'Hortense de Saint-Just
Correspondance d'un jeune militaire, ou mémoires du marquis de Luzigni et d'Hortense de Saint-Just
Laws of the United States governing the granting of bounty-land warrants together with the regulations relating thereto
Laws of the United States governing the granting of bounty-land warrants together with the regulations relating thereto
Dell'identità e permanenza in Verona de'corpi de'santi fermo e Rustico
Dell'identità e permanenza in Verona de'corpi de'santi fermo e Rustico
A promessa
A promessa
The Chair of Saint Peter
The Chair of Saint Peter
Annales des mines
Annales des mines
Inleiding tot eene geschiedenis der Nederlandsche diplomatie.
Inleiding tot eene geschiedenis der Nederlandsche diplomatie.
Treasure Island
Treasure Island
The Timothy Diary (First Century Diaries)
The Timothy Diary (First Century Diaries)
Procès-verbaux du Comité d'instruction publique de la Convention nationale
Procès-verbaux du Comité d'instruction publique de la Convention nationale
Li͡etopisʹ po Lavrentievskomu spisku
Li͡etopisʹ po Lavrentievskomu spisku
Down with the Romans (Flashbacks)
Down with the Romans (Flashbacks)
List of voters for the township of Metcalfe for the year 1880
List of voters for the township of Metcalfe for the year 1880
Maria de Rohan
Maria de Rohan
The Iron Age in Northern Britain
The Iron Age in Northern Britain
Studies in the making of the English Protestant tradition (mainly in the reign of Henry VIII)
Studies in the making of the English Protestant tradition (mainly in the reign of Henry VIII)
The cross in Japan
The cross in Japan
A history of the Carpenters Company
A history of the Carpenters Company
The History of the Twenty-seventh Maine Volunteer Infantry
The History of the Twenty-seventh Maine Volunteer Infantry
Éloge funèbre de S.A.S. Mgr. le duc d'Enghien.
Éloge funèbre de S.A.S. Mgr. le duc d'Enghien.
Cherry Hill Nurseries, 1942
Cherry Hill Nurseries, 1942
Late antique Nubia
Late antique Nubia
Orígenes de la independencia de Venezuela
Orígenes de la independencia de Venezuela
Fruits, trees and flowers, fall 1943
Fruits, trees and flowers, fall 1943
Une ambassade persane sous Louis XIV
Une ambassade persane sous Louis XIV
The Commissariot Record of Hamilton and Campsie: Register of testaments 1564-1800
The Commissariot Record of Hamilton and Campsie: Register of testaments 1564-1800
Georgii Wahlenberg ...
Georgii Wahlenberg ...
Some problems in Soviet-American war termination
Some problems in Soviet-American war termination
Istorie fiorentine di Scipione Ammirato ...
Istorie fiorentine di Scipione Ammirato ...
Further correspondence in the matter between the bishop of Bath and Wells and the vicar and curate of Frome.
Further correspondence in the matter between the bishop of Bath and Wells and the vicar and curate of Frome.
Código militar. 1906.
Código militar. 1906.
Sultan Abdülaziz Han ve darbeci paşalar
Sultan Abdülaziz Han ve darbeci paşalar
England in the age of Wycliffe.
England in the age of Wycliffe.
Report of the managing committee of the House of Recovery and Fever Hospital ... for one year ending the 4th January 1829
Report of the managing committee of the House of Recovery and Fever Hospital ... for one year ending the 4th January 1829
Historical encyclopedia of Illinois
Historical encyclopedia of Illinois