What to see, and where to see it!
The Frontier 1839-1947
Rig-Vedic India.
España sagrada
[Report 1967]
Circulaire au clergé du diocèse de Montréal
Dějé University Pražské
Der Zarewitsch Alexei
The doctor and the kid
The courtship novel, 1740-1820
Grace in the wilderness : after the liberation, 1945-1948
A wind to shake the world
The report of the Committee of Visitors of the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, for the year 1857
In memoriam to those who perished in the disaster to the Titanic April 14th and 15th, 1912
A Further despatch relative to the proposed union of British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Nos el doctor don Pedro de Villa Gomez, por la gracia de Dios, y de la Santa Sede Apostolica, arcobispo de Lima del consejo del Rey nuestro señor; &c
The recent past from a southern standpoint
Discours de l'Hon. W.S. Fielding, M.P., ministre des finances, Sir Richard Cartwright, M.P., ministre du commerce et L'Hon. William Paterson, M.P., ministre des douanes, Chambre des communes, Ottawa, 5, 12 & 13 avril 1898
The Fight for a Free Sea: A Chronicle of the War of 1812 (Large Print Edition)
A history of the Council of Trent
Saints of the Society of Jesus
The Oxford survey of the British Empire
Der Schädel Raphaels
The rise of English nationalism : a cultural history, 1740-1830
The apostle of Burma
Hearings Before the Committee on Railways and Canals on the Bill, H. R. 20775, to Acquire and ...
Codex Thuringiae diplomaticus
A historical sketch of Bolton, Connecticut
Histoire générale d'Espagne
The trade question
Prohibition, the lie of the land
The peerage of Scotland
[Report 1950]
Peveril of the peak.
Mary of Burgundy
Die Deutschen
The War Correspondence of the Daily News, 1870
Histoire de la ligue sous les règnes de Henri iii et de Henri iv, ou, Quinze années de l ...
The Mississippian occupation of the Red Wing area
The history of Comines
This is our railroad
Canadian confederation