Longhorn cowboy
The birth of Montreal, a chronicle play and other poems.
Declaration faicte par Monsieur le Prince de Conde , pour monstrer les raisons qui l'ont contrainct d'emtreprendre la defense de l'authorite du Roy, du gouuernement de la Royne, & du repos de ce Royaume
Arrest de la Cour de Parlement
Michigan-grown gladiolus, spring 1934
History and description of Harrison County, given in Townships
La France de 1848 à 1870
Germany in the eighteenth century
Die Vadianische Briefsammlung der Stadtbibliothek St. Gallen, I-VII
American Colonists in English Records
A centennial history of the villages of Iroquois and Montgomery and the township of Concord, 1818 to 1918
Jórn Uhl: Roman
Colonial cities of Spanish America
Ancient Scotland
Over there!
Behind the bedroom wall
Castles Codes and Calligraphy
Der Hausvater ...
[Report 1951]
Headstart in History
[Report 1953]
Dive in the Sun
Petr Velikiĭ
El maestro de Alejandro
Pomponia Graecina Tac. Ann. XIII. 32
Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites des missions étrangères
Liberty Ships
History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas counties, Kentucky
Le moyen age et la réforme
A genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Olney
Si©·cle de Louis XIV
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society.
The Lewis and Clark expedition
R©♭pertoire des sources historiques du moyen ©Øge
Historia de la Confederación Argentina: Rozas y su época
The man who saved Henry Morgan
The Clipper Ships (The Seafarers)
The Revolutionary years
The medieval hero on screen
Il libro della cucina del sec. XIV