An Act to extend the charter of the Bank of Upper Canada, and to increase the capital stock thereof
The Times The World An Illustrated History
The history of Scotland
Die ritter vom geiste.
Revisiter Montcalm--
Las amazonas del Tormes
Wings of the navy
British foreign policy in the Second World War
The Italians of to-day
Der Marketenderwagen, ein Kriegsbuch von Klabund
The season
The province of Quebec and the early American Revolution
Huskisson and his age
Calendar and index to the transcriptions of the Wayne papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania
The true issue, and the duty of the Whigs.
The history of Van Buren County, Iowa
The clergyman's wife
The Civil War
Tong yan wu ji san guo zhi
Die Medici
The Gilded Age
The packers, the private car lines, and the people
History and directory of Posey County
[Report 1967]
Records of the General Synod of Ulster
The bank
The Barker family of Plymouth Colony and County
King's cutters and smugglers, 1700-1855
The North Carolina colonial bar
Normandy breakout
1952 wholesale list
Colter's Hell & Jackson's Hole
La Normandie ancestrale
Dal carteggio di Alessandro Torri
English costume
Indications of the second book of Moses called Exodus.
Shays' Rebellion
Oeuvres de J.F. Cooper
William Shakespeare, "King Henry V"
Tihanyi codex: Szent beszédek 1530., 1531. és 1532-dik évbol a rontott góth ...