We'll Meet Again
Rapport fait par Dubois-Dubais sur la re solution relative aux re compenses a de cerner au courage des arme es victorieuses et aux actions he roiques
Dejiny Tesinska
The West Coast directory for 1883-84[-1886-87.]
World War II
De cret de la Convention nationale du 27 novembre 1792, l'an 1er. de la Re publique franc ʹoise, qui charge le pouvoir exe cutif de notifier aux puissances e trange res, que la Re publique ne reconnoi tra, comme ministre public, aucun e migre .
Historia belli Peloponnesiaci
1860 Florida census index
The East African force, 1915-1919
Monumenta Livoniae Antiquae: Sammlung von Chroniken, Berichten, Urkunden und ...
Verdict on the shroud
Mémoires de Marguerite de Valois
Der geschundene Raubritter, oder, Minne und Hungerthurm, oder, Das lange verschwiegene und endlich doch an den Tag gekommene Geheimnis
Session ... reports of the Grand Officers and Committee on Finance, with an appendix containing the reports of the Deputies
Series et cumulus privilegiorum a summis pontificibus imperatoribus, regibus, et Mediolani ducibus, monasterio S. Salvatoris, monachorum cassinensium ciuitatis papae concessorum
Monks, nuns, and monasteries.
Cola di Rienzo e il suo tempo
Istorii︠a︡ SShA
A bill to amend an act entitled An act to incorporate the North Carolina Rail Road Company, passed at the session of 1848-'49, and An act for the completion of the North Carolina Rail Road, passed at the session of 1854-'55
History of the parish of Buxhall in the county of Suffolk
Al papa il re
Die Alexandersage bei den Orientalen
A Hundred years of Richmond Methodism
Price list, 1945
Tales of Old Toronto
Aventuras imperiales
Alfred in the chroniclers
Histoire de Beaupré, 1928-1978
Le serviteur
[Report 1968]
Don Procopio
Two speeches in the House of commons on the original East-India bill and on the amended bill, on the 16th and 26th of July, 1784
Mythos Ägypten
Guzmán de Alfarache
Register of the Charlestown schools, 1847-1873--pupils
Histoire générale de la guerre de 1870-1871
[Report 1937]
The English
With Lord Byron at the Sandwich Islands in 1825: Being Extracts from the MS ...
Historical Sketches of New Mexico: From the Earliest Records to the American ...
L' ancien clergé de France.