Books in "Historical Novel"

Comanche Temptation
Comanche Temptation
Firenze nel Quattrocento
Firenze nel Quattrocento
Sweet Rosie O'Grady
Sweet Rosie O'Grady
English Silver
English Silver
[Index (Soundex) to the population schedules of the thirteenth census of the United States, 1910
[Index (Soundex) to the population schedules of the thirteenth census of the United States, 1910
Lettres purpurace es, ou, Lettres consulaires et provinciales, e crites contre les consuls d'Aix et procureurs du pays de Provence
Lettres purpurace es, ou, Lettres consulaires et provinciales, e crites contre les consuls d'Aix et procureurs du pays de Provence
De bello Gallico, liber V
De bello Gallico, liber V
Pre cis des seances des 5 & 6 aou t 1789
Pre cis des seances des 5 & 6 aou t 1789
Pride of Polly Perkins
Pride of Polly Perkins
Vive l'empereur
Vive l'empereur
The Fight for the Vote (Sparks)
The Fight for the Vote (Sparks)
Discovering Columbus
Discovering Columbus
Carteleras madrileñas, 1677-1792, 1819
Carteleras madrileñas, 1677-1792, 1819
The winning of the bronze cross
The winning of the bronze cross
Collana dei martiri italiani: storia della insurrezione di Roma nel 1867
Collana dei martiri italiani: storia della insurrezione di Roma nel 1867
Medieval Japan
Medieval Japan
The creation of Elisabethville, 1910-1940.
The creation of Elisabethville, 1910-1940.
Opinion de C.A.B. Reynaud, re publicain de la Haute-Loire, de pute  a la Convention nationale, sur le jugement de Louis Capet
Opinion de C.A.B. Reynaud, re publicain de la Haute-Loire, de pute a la Convention nationale, sur le jugement de Louis Capet
Nuouo itinerario delle poste per tutto il mondo
Nuouo itinerario delle poste per tutto il mondo
Report of Committee on Correspondence, Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1898
Report of Committee on Correspondence, Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1898
The Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy (Volume 2) (Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy)
The Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy (Volume 2) (Intimate Memoirs of an Edwardian Dandy)
The Library of the Woman's College, Duke University, 1930-1972
The Library of the Woman's College, Duke University, 1930-1972
The Nottingham labour movement, 1880-1939
The Nottingham labour movement, 1880-1939
Louvet; revolutionist & romance-writer.
Louvet; revolutionist & romance-writer.
The last escape
The last escape
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose
The Spirited Miss Caroline
The Spirited Miss Caroline
The FSA, pro and con
The FSA, pro and con
Certain movements in England and America
Certain movements in England and America
Any old iron
Any old iron
The Berlin wall
The Berlin wall
A History of the Knights of Malta, Or, The Order of St. John of Jerusalem
A History of the Knights of Malta, Or, The Order of St. John of Jerusalem
The Ladies' Paradise
The Ladies' Paradise
Lettre a   Monsieur, frere du roi
Lettre a Monsieur, frere du roi
The friendly persuasion
The friendly persuasion
The South in American history
The South in American history
Hôtel Buchholz.
Hôtel Buchholz.
Rebekah-Mother of Twins
Rebekah-Mother of Twins
American horse-drawn vehicles,
American horse-drawn vehicles,