Books in "Historical Novel"

Glasnik Srpskoga učenog društva ...
Glasnik Srpskoga učenog društva ...
A straight deal
A straight deal
Gottfrieds von Strassburg Werke aus den bessten Handschriften mit Einleitung ...
Gottfrieds von Strassburg Werke aus den bessten Handschriften mit Einleitung ...
The history and traditions of the land of the Lindsays in Angus and Mearns, with notices of Alyth and Meigle
The history and traditions of the land of the Lindsays in Angus and Mearns, with notices of Alyth and Meigle
Life of Robert Emmet.
Life of Robert Emmet.
The lost diaries of Frans Hals
The lost diaries of Frans Hals
The railroads of Chicago
The railroads of Chicago
Battlefield Berlin
Battlefield Berlin
Essai sur l'ancienne monnaie de Strasbourg, et sur ses rapports avec l'histoire de la ville et ...
Essai sur l'ancienne monnaie de Strasbourg, et sur ses rapports avec l'histoire de la ville et ...
Historic Virginia homes and churches
Historic Virginia homes and churches
Chinese labor
Chinese labor
The tribe that lost its head.
The tribe that lost its head.
Forty years on the wild frontier
Forty years on the wild frontier
[Report 1954-1955]
[Report 1954-1955]
The history of Detroit and Michigan
The history of Detroit and Michigan
Compte rendu
Compte rendu
Nebraska legacy
Nebraska legacy
Loyalty, a voice from the sanctuary, concerning the civil war
Loyalty, a voice from the sanctuary, concerning the civil war
Memorial of Bishop Waynflete
Memorial of Bishop Waynflete
Levensbeschrijving van Rijklof Michaël van Goens
Levensbeschrijving van Rijklof Michaël van Goens
Battle For The Church 1517-1644 (second edition)
Battle For The Church 1517-1644 (second edition)
Vite parallele di Mirabeau e Washington
Vite parallele di Mirabeau e Washington
Ancient memorial brasses
Ancient memorial brasses
Report to the Radcliffe Trustees for 1872
Report to the Radcliffe Trustees for 1872
Kodex dyplomatyczny Litwy
Kodex dyplomatyczny Litwy
De clarations et protestations
De clarations et protestations
Colonial 'reformation' in the highlands of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 1892-1995
Colonial 'reformation' in the highlands of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 1892-1995
[Opinion concerning the charter of the Mount Vernon ladies association]
[Opinion concerning the charter of the Mount Vernon ladies association]
Not all Okies are white
Not all Okies are white
Trail of the Fast Gun
Trail of the Fast Gun
Hungary's historical legacies
Hungary's historical legacies
Keane's Charge
Keane's Charge
The citadel
The citadel
Diego de Torres Villarroel
Diego de Torres Villarroel
The ark of the covenant
The ark of the covenant
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
The Jews
The Jews
Bulgarski starini.
Bulgarski starini.
Kleine Geschichte Irlands.
Kleine Geschichte Irlands.
The age of manufactures
The age of manufactures
The cost of marketing eggs in 1917
The cost of marketing eggs in 1917