Books in "Historical Novel"

Old New England doorways
Old New England doorways
Speech of William Cost Johnson ...
Speech of William Cost Johnson ...
Ricordi parlamentari.
Ricordi parlamentari.
Oxford in Old Photographs
Oxford in Old Photographs
An inquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in Council
An inquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in Council
Atti del Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche (Roma, 1-9 aprile 1903).
Atti del Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche (Roma, 1-9 aprile 1903).
The history of the Netherlands
The history of the Netherlands
Memoria inedita ácerca do edificio monumental da Batalha
Memoria inedita ácerca do edificio monumental da Batalha
A Hussite Latin gradual of the XV century
A Hussite Latin gradual of the XV century
Cruise of the U.S. brig Argus in 1813
Cruise of the U.S. brig Argus in 1813
Hoi treis hierarchai, Orthodoxos Christianikos syllogos etos hidryseōs 1905
Hoi treis hierarchai, Orthodoxos Christianikos syllogos etos hidryseōs 1905
List of voters for the village of Wardsville for the year 1877
List of voters for the village of Wardsville for the year 1877
Americans interpret their Civil War.
Americans interpret their Civil War.
Introduction to English history
Introduction to English history
Stagecoach station, Fargo
Stagecoach station, Fargo
Grundzüge der Rechtsverfassung in den deutschen Heeren zu Beginn der Neuzeit
Grundzüge der Rechtsverfassung in den deutschen Heeren zu Beginn der Neuzeit
Fortunes of War
Fortunes of War
Confessionario para los curas de Indios
Confessionario para los curas de Indios
A comprehensive history of India
A comprehensive history of India
The Christiana Riot and the Treason Trials of 1851: An Historical Sketch
The Christiana Riot and the Treason Trials of 1851: An Historical Sketch
The Last Templar
The Last Templar
Französische Geschichte, vornehmlich im sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert
Französische Geschichte, vornehmlich im sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert
[Report 1969]
[Report 1969]
The Welsh wars of Edward I
The Welsh wars of Edward I
Soll und haben: Roman in sechs Büchern
Soll und haben: Roman in sechs Büchern
The Amish quilt
The Amish quilt
Children of the ghetto
Children of the ghetto
So proudly we hail : the history of the United States flag
So proudly we hail : the history of the United States flag
Northumbria's golden age
Northumbria's golden age
Change and continuity in the French episcopate
Change and continuity in the French episcopate
Revue militaire suisse
Revue militaire suisse
The three brothers, or, The travels and adventures of Sir Anthony, Sir Robert & Sir Thomas Sherley
The three brothers, or, The travels and adventures of Sir Anthony, Sir Robert & Sir Thomas Sherley
Théâtre complet de Alex. Dumas
Théâtre complet de Alex. Dumas
Balthasar de Monconys
Balthasar de Monconys
Alocucion que nuestro santisimo P. el señor Pio Sexto tuvo en consistorio secreto el dia 13 de noviembre de 1775 .
Alocucion que nuestro santisimo P. el señor Pio Sexto tuvo en consistorio secreto el dia 13 de noviembre de 1775 .
True women
True women
Africa since 1935
Africa since 1935
Discours prononce  le 10 germinal, l'an second de la Re publique franc ʹaise, au Temple de la raison de la commune de Dijon
Discours prononce le 10 germinal, l'an second de la Re publique franc ʹaise, au Temple de la raison de la commune de Dijon
Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites par des missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jésus
Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites par des missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jésus
Womit das Straf-Patent vom 21 Mai 1805 gegen die Uebertretungen der Pestvorschriften allgemein republiciret wird
Womit das Straf-Patent vom 21 Mai 1805 gegen die Uebertretungen der Pestvorschriften allgemein republiciret wird