Evidence on the Subject of "church-rates," Before the Select Committee of the House of Commons
Extrait des registres du Parlement
Shipwreck of the Whaleship Essex
A viagem de Antero de Quental á America do Norte
De osannolika systrarne Mitford
The black holocaust : for beginners
The Brazilian green book, consisting of diplomatic documents relating to Brazil's attitude with regard to the European War, 1914-1917, as issued by the Brazilian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Církew ewanjelicko-lutheránská w její wnitřních žiwlech a bojích na swětě se zlásstním ohledem na národ slovenský w této církwi spasení swé hledající
Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches
Historia de los diez años de la administracion de Don Manuel Montt
"Mad Dan" Morgan, bushranger
Xenophons Cyropædie
A history of Canadian journalism in the several portions of the Dominion
E loge de Mgr le Duc d'Orle ans
Report of Committee on Penitentiary to the thirty-second General Assembly of Missouri
The Irish regiments
The archaeology of the Deccan routes
Historiadores de sucesos particulares. Coleccion dirigida e ilustr. por C ...
The encyclopedia of colonial and revolutionary America
Notes on Burghead: ancient and modern, with an appendix, containing notices of families connected with the place at different periods, and other information
Führer-Reden zum Winterhilfswerk 1933-1936
Adventures of Gerard.
Reports of the Immigration Commission.
The King of the Hurons
Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren.
The great Miss Driver
Annual report of the General Board of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland
Salem witchcraft
Sugar, cane and beet
Medieval Dublin
Rapport sur Commune-Affranchie et les marchandises qui lui avoient e te expe die es pendant sa rebellion, fait au nom des Comite s de salut public, de commerce et des finances, dans la se ance du 16 vende miaire de l'an troisie me
Saving China
Le sang français
Geschichte von der Eroberung Mexico
The Gospel of Matthew according to a primitive Hebrew text
Ghosts of the Mississippi River from Dubuque to Keokuk
Calendar of transcripts
Iscrizione arcaica del Foro Romano