Books in "Historical Novel"

The isthmus of Panamá
The isthmus of Panamá
Canonsburg centennial
Canonsburg centennial
The Rise of Israel.
The Rise of Israel.
A treatise on the coal mines of Durham and Northumberland
A treatise on the coal mines of Durham and Northumberland
The history of the shoddy-trade
The history of the shoddy-trade
Antonio de Guevara
Antonio de Guevara
Les amies de Rousseau
Les amies de Rousseau
Fifth regiment, I., M.N.G.
Fifth regiment, I., M.N.G.
Three faces of revolution
Three faces of revolution
History of Runcorn; with an Account of the Ancient Village of Weston Drawings by H Fitton [Reprinted from the Runcorn Guardian ]
History of Runcorn; with an Account of the Ancient Village of Weston Drawings by H Fitton [Reprinted from the Runcorn Guardian ]
Westward to Oregon
Westward to Oregon
Catalogue des livres ...: manuscrits, et imprimes, composant la bibliothèque de feu M.E ...
Catalogue des livres ...: manuscrits, et imprimes, composant la bibliothèque de feu M.E ...
ʼ44, in combat on the Western Front from Normandy to the Ardennes
ʼ44, in combat on the Western Front from Normandy to the Ardennes
Wm. G. Scarlett & Co. seeds, April 29, 1933
Wm. G. Scarlett & Co. seeds, April 29, 1933
The Episcopal church and early ecclesiastical laws of Connecticut
The Episcopal church and early ecclesiastical laws of Connecticut
Histoire de l'Église gallicane, dediee a nosseigneurs du clerge
Histoire de l'Église gallicane, dediee a nosseigneurs du clerge
Memoirs of the war of independence in Hungary
Memoirs of the war of independence in Hungary
Deuxie  me opinion de Monsieur Malouet, sur l'affaire d'Avignon
Deuxie me opinion de Monsieur Malouet, sur l'affaire d'Avignon
The modern crusade, or, The present Russian war
The modern crusade, or, The present Russian war
Music in colonial America
Music in colonial America
[Report 1969]
[Report 1969]
Pocahontas, 1595-1617
Pocahontas, 1595-1617
Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'à la révolution
Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'à la révolution
The Cathedral Church of Winchester: A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief ...
The Cathedral Church of Winchester: A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief ...
Japanese Miracle and Peril
Japanese Miracle and Peril
Études historiques et littéraires sur le XVIe siècle ...: Des représentations dramatiques et ...
Études historiques et littéraires sur le XVIe siècle ...: Des représentations dramatiques et ...
Review of a pamphlet issued from the press of the Western Carolinian, in Salisbury, N.C.
Review of a pamphlet issued from the press of the Western Carolinian, in Salisbury, N.C.
Sebastian Windprecht, der blinde bu cherantiquar zu Augsburg
Sebastian Windprecht, der blinde bu cherantiquar zu Augsburg
From the Progressive Era
From the Progressive Era
Rebel Ireland
Rebel Ireland
The siege of Leningrad, 1941-1944
The siege of Leningrad, 1941-1944
Les pionniers du lac Nominigue ou Les avantages de la colonisation
Les pionniers du lac Nominigue ou Les avantages de la colonisation
An early view of the land-grant colleges
An early view of the land-grant colleges
The imperial Japanese navy
The imperial Japanese navy
Memoirs of a cavalier ... etc.
Memoirs of a cavalier ... etc.
The harim and the purdah
The harim and the purdah
Ocherk istori i Ri Łazanskago kn Łiazhestva dli Ła gimnazi i , gorodskikh i narodnykh uchilishch
Ocherk istori i Ri Łazanskago kn Łiazhestva dli Ła gimnazi i , gorodskikh i narodnykh uchilishch
Palaces of Florence
Palaces of Florence
Sacra exequialia in funere Jacobi II
Sacra exequialia in funere Jacobi II