The Conspirators
First to Fly
Alicia: A Tale of the American Navy
Report of a case of Cesarean operation
The Bonaparte Plot
The controversy between the Puritans and the stage
Bismark vs. Peter
Storia dei comuni italiani di Paolo Emiliani-Giudici
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Reque te pour les freres lais Capucins
Bibliotheca Érasmiana.
The Wisconsin idea
Treasure Island
El comedido hidalgo
A history of Watauga County, North Carolina.
Fastorum civitatis Tauromenitanae reliquiae
Saggio di memorie istoriche civili ed ecclesiastiche della città di Perugia
Our great captains.
Proceedings of the national medical conventions, held in New York, May, 1846, and in Philadelphia, May, 1847.
Report of Judge Prowse on the fire of the 8th and 9th July, 1892
The social history of Europe, 1945-2000
Cry Hungary!
The story of Ananias and Sapphira
Gli Ugonotti
Arthur and the lost kingdoms
Haydée, ou, Le secret
Something's alive on the Titanic
Los estudios eclesiásticos superiores en el Nuevo Reino de Granada (1563-1810)
Gorham, clerk, against the bishop of Exeter; the argument of dr. Bayford on behalf of the rev. G ...
Statistical account of Upper Canada
Die Deutschen in Nieder- und Ober-Oesterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Kärnthen und Krain.
The history of the minority
Discours du comte de Mirabeau, dans la séance du 11 juin, sur la mort de Benjamin Francklin ...
On the Spanish main
A Tale of Two Cities
Traces of history in the names of places.
Pier 21
L' affaire
Procès-verbaux du Comité d'instruction publique de la Convention nationale.
Aus der Petersburger Bibliothek.
Histoire universelle des Indes occidentales