The lady's maid
Victorian Britain
Surreptitious printing in England, 1550-1640
Le mariage de Mademoiselle Gimel, dactylographe
Proposed supply of water to the town of Maidstone, in the county of Kent
The Battle of Churubusco
Official souvenir
Un janséniste en exil
San guo yan yi
Révolution française. Histoire de huit ans, 1840-1848, faisant suite à l'Histoire de dix ans ...
Memoire adresse a l'Assemble e nationale, par S.A.R. Mgr comte d'Artois, & les princes du sang, fugitifs
The story of the Little Bighorn
Extrait des registres
The financial position set forth, report of meeting of citizens of Montreal, held on 13th October, 1881
Le Comte d'Ar** [i.e. d'Artois] en pe lerinage
James Miranda Barry
The state of the prisons in England and Wales
Price list , 1934
[Report 1956]
Marriage by Consent
Li dai tu shu ban ben zhi yao
The building of a nation
Three flags at the straits
Recherches historiques sur les corporations des archers, des arbalétriers et des arquebusiers
Military journal of Colonel Leslie, K.H., of Balquhain
The Compact Timeline of Military History
William Coddington
Vivre au Moyen Âge
King Henry VIII
Opus epistolaru[m] Petri Martyris Anglerij Mediolane[n]sis protonotarij ap[osto]lici atq[ue] a co[n]silijs reru[m] indicaru[m]
Dedication of the Sullivan monument at Durham, New Hampshire
Facts about Decatur homesteads
Gen. John Sullivan and the battle of Rhode Island
Four winds
The work of New England in the future of our country.
Report from the select committee on colonial military expenditure
Un año en París
History set right.
Ancient Rome and modern America
Assises de Jérusalem ou recueil des ouvrages de jurisprudence composés pendant le XIIIe siècle dans les royaumes de Jérusalem et de Chypre
Mezinárodní orientace ukrajinců za války a revoluce