Books in "Historical Novel"

The Cherokee
The Cherokee
La dama del rey
La dama del rey
L'amatore di maioliche e porcellane
L'amatore di maioliche e porcellane
La colonisation bien faite par ouvriers et les travailleurs: "Emparons-nous du sol"
La colonisation bien faite par ouvriers et les travailleurs: "Emparons-nous du sol"
Maid Marian
Maid Marian
Lost mythological cities of India
Lost mythological cities of India
[Report 1893]
[Report 1893]
Hearing Before the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads of the United ...
Hearing Before the Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads of the United ...
Sangamo, a history of fifty years.
Sangamo, a history of fifty years.
Memoria ... per servire alla intiera, e perfetta estinzione del vajuolo, e di tutti gli altri morbi contagiosi, s©Ơ acuti, che cronici, in tutta la Europa, e nelle altre nazioni, presso le quali non vi nascessero endemici
Memoria ... per servire alla intiera, e perfetta estinzione del vajuolo, e di tutti gli altri morbi contagiosi, s©Ơ acuti, che cronici, in tutta la Europa, e nelle altre nazioni, presso le quali non vi nascessero endemici
L' océan des anciens et les peuples préhistoriques
L' océan des anciens et les peuples préhistoriques
Ispovedʹ syna nashego veka
Ispovedʹ syna nashego veka
Vida exemplar, muerte santa, y regocijada de el angelical hermano Miguel de Omaña, de la Compañia de Jesus, en la Provincia de Nueva-España
Vida exemplar, muerte santa, y regocijada de el angelical hermano Miguel de Omaña, de la Compañia de Jesus, en la Provincia de Nueva-España
Privilegis i ordinacions de les valls pirenenques.
Privilegis i ordinacions de les valls pirenenques.
Historique du 2e Régiment d'infanterie ...
Historique du 2e Régiment d'infanterie ...
The struggle for civil rights
The struggle for civil rights
Music and the French Revolution
Music and the French Revolution
When the Italians Came to My Home Town
When the Italians Came to My Home Town
Shakespeare's King Henry the Fifth, ed.
Shakespeare's King Henry the Fifth, ed.
Lettre des commissaires nationaux-civils delégués aux isles sous le vent, adressée a la Convention nationale
Lettre des commissaires nationaux-civils delégués aux isles sous le vent, adressée a la Convention nationale
The Real Macbeth
The Real Macbeth
Report of the City Bounty Fund Commission.
Report of the City Bounty Fund Commission.
A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution
A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution
Mellen's, Springfield, Ohio
Mellen's, Springfield, Ohio
Opinion de M. Estourmel, de pute  du Cambresis, de partement du Nord, sur le don et e change du Clermontois
Opinion de M. Estourmel, de pute du Cambresis, de partement du Nord, sur le don et e change du Clermontois
The etiology of yellow fever
The etiology of yellow fever
Eugene Aram
Eugene Aram
The Whitechapel Horrors
The Whitechapel Horrors
The Bailleuls of Flanders, and the Bayleys of Willow Hall
The Bailleuls of Flanders, and the Bayleys of Willow Hall
Haskell Implement and Seed Company, 1935
Haskell Implement and Seed Company, 1935
El plan de Iguala, sus origenes y su importancia
El plan de Iguala, sus origenes y su importancia
Speech of John P. Hale
Speech of John P. Hale
Gottfied Heinrich, Graf zu Pappenheim: Nach Geschictsquellen und Urkunden bearbeitet
Gottfied Heinrich, Graf zu Pappenheim: Nach Geschictsquellen und Urkunden bearbeitet
M. Laurier devant l'histoire
M. Laurier devant l'histoire
Blood Libel
Blood Libel
Women for votes
Women for votes
Voters' list, 1895
Voters' list, 1895
Geschichte des Mittelalters
Geschichte des Mittelalters
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte-wissenschaft
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte-wissenschaft
Defences of Philadelphia in 1777.
Defences of Philadelphia in 1777.
Memorials of old Essex.
Memorials of old Essex.