Books in "Historical Novel"

Realities of war.
Realities of war.
Histoire du minist©Łere du cardinal de Richelieu
Histoire du minist©Łere du cardinal de Richelieu
The Irish revolution, 1912-23
The Irish revolution, 1912-23
Dejiny počiatkov terajšieho Uhorska
Dejiny počiatkov terajšieho Uhorska
Kathie Brande
Kathie Brande
Il Greco in Troia
Il Greco in Troia
Description of Perot & Co.'s improved U.S.A. medicine wagon, exhibited in the grounds adjoining the Hospital, and of Perot & Co.'s U.S.A. mess chest, exhibited in room no. 5.
Description of Perot & Co.'s improved U.S.A. medicine wagon, exhibited in the grounds adjoining the Hospital, and of Perot & Co.'s U.S.A. mess chest, exhibited in room no. 5.
Leyes y ordenanzas nuevamente hechas para la gouernaciõ de las Indias, 1542-1543
Leyes y ordenanzas nuevamente hechas para la gouernaciõ de las Indias, 1542-1543
The beach at Herculaneum
The beach at Herculaneum
Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1946
Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1946
Tyl Uilenspiegel
Tyl Uilenspiegel
Harry Lorrequer.
Harry Lorrequer.
Gesellschaft fur natur- und heilkunde in dresden
Gesellschaft fur natur- und heilkunde in dresden
The Etruscan net.
The Etruscan net.
Nederlands Oost-Indië: of, Beschrijving der Nederlandsche bezittingen in ...
Nederlands Oost-Indië: of, Beschrijving der Nederlandsche bezittingen in ...
The War memorial volume of Trinity College, Toronto
The War memorial volume of Trinity College, Toronto
The secret societies of the European revolution, 1776-1876
The secret societies of the European revolution, 1776-1876
Norriges krigshistorie i middelalderen
Norriges krigshistorie i middelalderen
The Pālas of Bengal
The Pālas of Bengal
Les accidents de la route au Québec, 1926-1978
Les accidents de la route au Québec, 1926-1978
Men against the sea
Men against the sea
Seminole skies
Seminole skies
American Destiny
American Destiny
Alabama, or the making of a state
Alabama, or the making of a state
Landmarks of old Prince William
Landmarks of old Prince William
British life a century ago
British life a century ago
Spanischer Successions-krieg: Feldzug 1713
Spanischer Successions-krieg: Feldzug 1713
A great historic peerage: the Earldom of Wiltes.
A great historic peerage: the Earldom of Wiltes.
A history of the descendants of William Reynolds
A history of the descendants of William Reynolds
At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence ...
At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence ...
La Grande Révolution
La Grande Révolution
In and around Stamboul
In and around Stamboul
'Indiscretions' of Lady Susan [Lady Susan Townley]
'Indiscretions' of Lady Susan [Lady Susan Townley]
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York
Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas
Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas
Separate schools; part of the negotiations at Ottawa in 1870
Separate schools; part of the negotiations at Ottawa in 1870
A history of the Laurel brigade
A history of the Laurel brigade
A law unto herself
A law unto herself
Histoire de la guerre du Mexique
Histoire de la guerre du Mexique
Memālik 'Osmānīyenin tārīh ve cūgrāfyā lugāti
Memālik 'Osmānīyenin tārīh ve cūgrāfyā lugāti