Realities of war.
Histoire du minist©Łere du cardinal de Richelieu
The Irish revolution, 1912-23
Dejiny počiatkov terajšieho Uhorska
Kathie Brande
Il Greco in Troia
Description of Perot & Co.'s improved U.S.A. medicine wagon, exhibited in the grounds adjoining the Hospital, and of Perot & Co.'s U.S.A. mess chest, exhibited in room no. 5.
Leyes y ordenanzas nuevamente hechas para la gouernaciõ de las Indias, 1542-1543
The beach at Herculaneum
Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1946
Tyl Uilenspiegel
Harry Lorrequer.
Gesellschaft fur natur- und heilkunde in dresden
The Etruscan net.
Nederlands Oost-Indië: of, Beschrijving der Nederlandsche bezittingen in ...
The War memorial volume of Trinity College, Toronto
The secret societies of the European revolution, 1776-1876
Norriges krigshistorie i middelalderen
The Pālas of Bengal
Les accidents de la route au Québec, 1926-1978
Men against the sea
Seminole skies
American Destiny
Alabama, or the making of a state
Landmarks of old Prince William
British life a century ago
Spanischer Successions-krieg: Feldzug 1713
A great historic peerage: the Earldom of Wiltes.
A history of the descendants of William Reynolds
At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence ...
La Grande Révolution
In and around Stamboul
'Indiscretions' of Lady Susan [Lady Susan Townley]
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York
Histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas
Separate schools; part of the negotiations at Ottawa in 1870
A history of the Laurel brigade
A law unto herself
Histoire de la guerre du Mexique
Memālik 'Osmānīyenin tārīh ve cūgrāfyā lugāti