Books in "Historical Novel"

An address delivered before the Pro-slavery Convention of the State of Missouri
An address delivered before the Pro-slavery Convention of the State of Missouri
Venetian kauppias
Venetian kauppias
Chronik des deutsch-franzosischen Krieges 1870
Chronik des deutsch-franzosischen Krieges 1870
Der Yidisher flam
Der Yidisher flam
Prehistory of Santa Rosa Island
Prehistory of Santa Rosa Island
Deutschland nach 1945
Deutschland nach 1945
The Maid of Fairbourne Hall
The Maid of Fairbourne Hall
Here & there among the papyri
Here & there among the papyri
Tales of the Pemberton family
Tales of the Pemberton family
Son of a desperado
Son of a desperado
Loi portant qu'a   compter du premier nivo se, les pensions accorde es par la Re publique seront paye es par les payeurs e tablis dans les de partemens
Loi portant qu'a compter du premier nivo se, les pensions accorde es par la Re publique seront paye es par les payeurs e tablis dans les de partemens
Sketches of historic Bennington
Sketches of historic Bennington
Gèutzlaff's Geschichte des chinesischen Reiches von den èaltesten Zeiten bis auf den Frieden von Nanking
Gèutzlaff's Geschichte des chinesischen Reiches von den èaltesten Zeiten bis auf den Frieden von Nanking
Old Navajo rugs
Old Navajo rugs
Daughters of the stone
Daughters of the stone
The Thirty Years War
The Thirty Years War
[Report 1925]
[Report 1925]
The white peril in the Far East
The white peril in the Far East
Espionage and counterespionage
Espionage and counterespionage
Arrest de la cour portant reglement d'entre les enquesteurs, commissaires examinateurs, les adioints, & la communaute  des procureurs
Arrest de la cour portant reglement d'entre les enquesteurs, commissaires examinateurs, les adioints, & la communaute des procureurs
The documentary history of the campaign upon the Niagara frontier
The documentary history of the campaign upon the Niagara frontier
The Bayonet
The Bayonet
The Saracen:  The Holy War
The Saracen: The Holy War
Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London
Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London
A History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical Association
A History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical Association
The Golden Trail
The Golden Trail
Affairs in the Kongo
Affairs in the Kongo
The confederation of Europe
The confederation of Europe
De geschiedenis van De Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in Rusland in de oorlogs- en revolutiejaren 1914 tot 1920
De geschiedenis van De Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in Rusland in de oorlogs- en revolutiejaren 1914 tot 1920
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de dysenteria Indiae Occidentalis
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de dysenteria Indiae Occidentalis
A sermon preached in Edinburgh
A sermon preached in Edinburgh
Qumran and Corinth.
Qumran and Corinth.
Revolt in paradise
Revolt in paradise
Echoes from the backwoods
Echoes from the backwoods
Wilhelm Tell
Wilhelm Tell
The movie boys in peril, or, Strenuous days along the Panama Canal
The movie boys in peril, or, Strenuous days along the Panama Canal
Iz ukrainskoĭ stariny
Iz ukrainskoĭ stariny
English local government, from the Revolution to the Municipal Corporations Act.
English local government, from the Revolution to the Municipal Corporations Act.
The Civil War in America: An Address Read at the Last Meeting of the ...
The Civil War in America: An Address Read at the Last Meeting of the ...
The mysterious rider
The mysterious rider
1924 fall and spring 1925 Buntings' price list [of] fruit and ornamental trees, strawberry plants, shrubs, plants, vines, bulbs, etc
1924 fall and spring 1925 Buntings' price list [of] fruit and ornamental trees, strawberry plants, shrubs, plants, vines, bulbs, etc