The valor of ignorance
The chevalier de Pontgibaud
[Report 1948]
The Senator's Son
Lace-making in the Midlands
Petticoat fever
The Indian calendar
[Report 1939]
Governor Joseph Gale and his Indian first lady
Memorials of the Clan Shaw
The history of Annapolis, the capital of Maryland
China and Japan
Aquilegio medicinal, em que se dá noticia das agoas de caldas, etc. do Reyno de Portugal ... que ou pelas virtudes medicinaes, que tem, ou por outra alguma singularidade, saõ dignas de particular memoria
1791: a tale of San Domingo.
Columbus and the men of Palos.
Kunderd gladioli for 1924
The Merrybegot
Oriental repertory.
The fall of the monarchy of Charles I. 1637-1649
The Babylonians
Record of the medals of honor issued to the bluejackets and marines of the United States Navy, 1862-1888
Malabar law and custom.
Geschichte des Deutsch-französischen Kriegs von 1870-71
Price list, 1933
Istorīi͡a︡ russkago naroda.
Milano e i Principi di Savoia: cenni storici corredati di documenti inediti
Michael Ignaz Schmidts...: Geschichte der Deutschen....
Forschungen in der älteren geschichte Russlands
La Polissena
Bullettino tecnologico ossia raccolta delle principali invenzioni e scoperte nelle arti del medico Rocco ragazzoni [Tomo I]
Settling the West
The World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893.
Historic sketches of London Ontario
Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter
The two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Duxbury, June 17, 1887.
Le triomphe de Pradon sur les Satires du Sieur Dxxx
Fabulous fabrics of the 50s
The Eastern seas
A history of our own times: Britain, 1900-1964