Books in "Historical Novel"

Notizie sulla varia fortuna di Dante a Messina
Notizie sulla varia fortuna di Dante a Messina
Captain Kidd's cow
Captain Kidd's cow
La Bible d'Alexandrie, tome 6
La Bible d'Alexandrie, tome 6
England in the eighteen thirties
England in the eighteen thirties
Life in London
Life in London
Histoire de la régence et de la minorité de Louis XV jusqu'au ministère du Cardinal de Fleury ...
Histoire de la régence et de la minorité de Louis XV jusqu'au ministère du Cardinal de Fleury ...
History of land titles in the vicinity of Quakertown, New Jersey
History of land titles in the vicinity of Quakertown, New Jersey
Slaves, Freedmen and Indentured Laborers in Colonial Mauritius (African Studies)
Slaves, Freedmen and Indentured Laborers in Colonial Mauritius (African Studies)
Avraham Reyzen
Avraham Reyzen
Roots of the western tradition
Roots of the western tradition
The coronation
The coronation
[Report 1959]
[Report 1959]
Sketches of life among my ain folk.
Sketches of life among my ain folk.
The abolition of slavery in Brazil.
The abolition of slavery in Brazil.
A brief account of the moral and political acts of the kings and queens of England from William the Conqueror to the Revolution in the year 1688.
A brief account of the moral and political acts of the kings and queens of England from William the Conqueror to the Revolution in the year 1688.
Noticia histórica de la riqueza minera de México y de su actual estado de explotacion
Noticia histórica de la riqueza minera de México y de su actual estado de explotacion
Falklands War
Falklands War
American historical prints: early views of American cities, etc. from the Phelps Stokes and other collections
American historical prints: early views of American cities, etc. from the Phelps Stokes and other collections
History, productions and resources of the Cape of Good Hope
History, productions and resources of the Cape of Good Hope
The outlander
The outlander
Heroes of the Revolution
Heroes of the Revolution
História da Companhia de Jesus na Assistência de Portugal.
História da Companhia de Jesus na Assistência de Portugal.
... Ein Beitrag zur Handelsgeschichte und Handelsrecht von Marseille...
... Ein Beitrag zur Handelsgeschichte und Handelsrecht von Marseille...
David Zeisberger and his brown brethren
David Zeisberger and his brown brethren
Hai yang quan yi yu Zhongguo
Hai yang quan yi yu Zhongguo
Lins Gladiolus, 1954
Lins Gladiolus, 1954
Teddy Boy Wars
Teddy Boy Wars
Jeanne de France
Jeanne de France
Ukrainian Resurgence
Ukrainian Resurgence
Revista da Sociedade de Instrucção do Porto
Revista da Sociedade de Instrucção do Porto
The Cleveland May Day riot
The Cleveland May Day riot
Contestacion del excmo. señor capitan general de Provincia, gobernador de esta Plaza de Cadiz, a un oficio que le pasó el Real Tribunal del Consulado
Contestacion del excmo. señor capitan general de Provincia, gobernador de esta Plaza de Cadiz, a un oficio que le pasó el Real Tribunal del Consulado
Die Politik Schwedens im westphälischen Friedenscongress und die Gründung der schwedischen ...
Die Politik Schwedens im westphälischen Friedenscongress und die Gründung der schwedischen ...
Considerations on behalf of the colonists. In a letter to a noble lord
Considerations on behalf of the colonists. In a letter to a noble lord
A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Saxony, in the Year 1813 ...
A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Saxony, in the Year 1813 ...
Genealogical fragments ... [the Sinclair and Feake families.
Genealogical fragments ... [the Sinclair and Feake families.
Declaration faicte par Monsieur le prince de Conde , a   tous les ordres et compagnies de la France
Declaration faicte par Monsieur le prince de Conde , a tous les ordres et compagnies de la France
The sons of the Emerald isle
The sons of the Emerald isle
Der verlassene Tempel
Der verlassene Tempel
Le proce  s des 31 mai, 1er et 2 juin, ou, La de fense des 71 repre sentans du peuple
Le proce s des 31 mai, 1er et 2 juin, ou, La de fense des 71 repre sentans du peuple
Fifty years on the Mississippi
Fifty years on the Mississippi