Books in "Historical Novel"

Rapport du Jury central sur les produits de l'agriculture et de l'industrie exposés en 1849
Rapport du Jury central sur les produits de l'agriculture et de l'industrie exposés en 1849
The Irish ecclesiastical record
The Irish ecclesiastical record
[Report 1961]
[Report 1961]
Speeches of Hon. Messrs. White, Thompson and Foster, at Halifax, on Thursday evening, October 21st, 1886, and speech of Hon. Mr. Thompson, at St. John, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 13th, 1886
Speeches of Hon. Messrs. White, Thompson and Foster, at Halifax, on Thursday evening, October 21st, 1886, and speech of Hon. Mr. Thompson, at St. John, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 13th, 1886
Opinion de Caillemer (de la Manche), sur la re solution relative a   l'emprunt de cent millions
Opinion de Caillemer (de la Manche), sur la re solution relative a l'emprunt de cent millions
Anne-Le on Montmorency, a la Convention nationale
Anne-Le on Montmorency, a la Convention nationale
Die Geschichtschreiber der sächsischen Kaiserzeit nach ihrem Leben und ihren Schriften
Die Geschichtschreiber der sächsischen Kaiserzeit nach ihrem Leben und ihren Schriften
"Marian": modern pioneer woman.
"Marian": modern pioneer woman.
A history of Sino-Indian relations
A history of Sino-Indian relations
Roman London.
Roman London.
Fyenboen Claudius Clausson Swart (Claudius Clavus), Nordens aeldste kartograf.
Fyenboen Claudius Clausson Swart (Claudius Clavus), Nordens aeldste kartograf.
La France du marché noir
La France du marché noir
Tableau des maladies veneriennes
Tableau des maladies veneriennes
The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly
The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly
Ribeiro Sanches
Ribeiro Sanches
Moated houses
Moated houses
The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning, an[n]o: 1584. to this present 1626
The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning, an[n]o: 1584. to this present 1626
Le songe de Louis XVI, et sa conversation avec Henri IV, a Saint-Cloud
Le songe de Louis XVI, et sa conversation avec Henri IV, a Saint-Cloud
Instructions for mounting, using and caring for mortar carriages, model of 1896 MI and model of 1896 MII for 12-inch mortars, model of 1890 MI, April 22, 1909 ... rev. January 11, 1916.
Instructions for mounting, using and caring for mortar carriages, model of 1896 MI and model of 1896 MII for 12-inch mortars, model of 1890 MI, April 22, 1909 ... rev. January 11, 1916.
All Shook Up
All Shook Up
Studies in Greek culture and Roman policy
Studies in Greek culture and Roman policy
A look at the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments
A look at the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments
The Bonanza Trail
The Bonanza Trail
Pioneers of the Old South: A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings
Pioneers of the Old South: A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings
La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay
La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay
Moon Tiger
Moon Tiger
The Salem District and the London Mission: Written for the Information of ...
The Salem District and the London Mission: Written for the Information of ...
Georges Seurat
Georges Seurat
Goethe in Wetzlar, 1772
Goethe in Wetzlar, 1772
The fifty years' war
The fifty years' war
Illinois on the eve of the Seven Years' War, 1747-1755
Illinois on the eve of the Seven Years' War, 1747-1755
[Report 1935]
[Report 1935]
Polens Untergang und Wiederherstellung
Polens Untergang und Wiederherstellung
Old Goa
Old Goa
L'empire libéral: études, récits, souvenirs ...
L'empire libéral: études, récits, souvenirs ...
Der Vater
Der Vater
Histoire ou légende ...?
Histoire ou légende ...?
The tractor on California farms
The tractor on California farms
Blount and Blunt family records.
Blount and Blunt family records.
The McCormick reaper legend
The McCormick reaper legend