The marriages of the Bourbons
La conquérante
The church bells of Cambridgeshire
The Statues of the Loggia Della Signoria in Florence
Some of the military features of the Panama Canal
Discours prononce , le 25 septembre 1790, a la Chambre des vacations du Parlement d'Aix
Histoire d'Honfleur
The story of America
The annual register, or, a view of the history, politics and literature for the year ...
Bal masqué
Proceedings in the Ku Klux trials at Columbia, S.C.
Miles Wallingford
Maximilian and Juárez
Preobrazhentsy, semenovtsy, bombardiry, 1683-1933.
Assyrian and Babylonian letters belonging to the K[ouyunjik] collections of the British museum
World War II in Britain
Troja: results of the latest researches on the site of Homer's Troy [&c.].
O Conselho de Estado e a política externa do Império
Storm of arrows
[Report 1913]
Hist. de la République du Québec
World History Series - The Space Race
The colours of war
Mores, leges, et ritus omnium gentium
Whoop-up country
England's confusion, or, A true and impartial relation of the late traverses of state in England ...
Les mécaniciens grecs
The exploits of Brigadier Gerard
Counties of Christian and Trigg, Kentucky.
Aviation in Canada, 1917-1918.
The Light brigade in Spain; or, The last fight of Sir John Moore
Bitter Harvest
Princes in the Tower
The Yarmouth line, Yarmouth Steamship Co., Limited
Die Anfänge des Schrifttums in Oberschlesien bis zum Frühhumanismus
Circulaire à MM. les curés du Bas Canada
De claration de M. l'archeve que de Lyon, primat des Gaules, en re ponse a la proclamation du de partement de Rho ne et Loire, du 15 novembre 1790, concernant l'exe cution des de crets sur la Constitution civile du clerge .
A defense of the reconstuction acts of Congress
The Wings of the Morning
From wilder shores