Books in "Historical Novel"

The iron marshal
The iron marshal
Report of the superintending school committee of the Town of Lee, N.H. for the year ending ..
Report of the superintending school committee of the Town of Lee, N.H. for the year ending ..
Russland als Grossmacht
Russland als Grossmacht
Monarchical socialism in Germany
Monarchical socialism in Germany
Gli ultimi rivolgimenti italiani
Gli ultimi rivolgimenti italiani
Symbolae pragenses; festgabe der Deutschen gesellschaft für alterthumskunde in Prag zur 42.
Symbolae pragenses; festgabe der Deutschen gesellschaft für alterthumskunde in Prag zur 42.
From St. Francis to Dante
From St. Francis to Dante
Myths and civilization of the ancient Mesopotamians
Myths and civilization of the ancient Mesopotamians
Last of the Duanes
Last of the Duanes
Geschichte des Waldeigentums
Geschichte des Waldeigentums
Report on the examinations, 1881-2, of the medical and surgical corporations of the United Kingdom by the visitors appointed by the General Medical Council
Report on the examinations, 1881-2, of the medical and surgical corporations of the United Kingdom by the visitors appointed by the General Medical Council
Descendants of George Little: Who Came to Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1640
Descendants of George Little: Who Came to Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1640
From Madagascar to the Malagasy Republic
From Madagascar to the Malagasy Republic
Die preussischen Eisenbahnen und ihr Verh�altniss zum Staat, 1834-1874
Die preussischen Eisenbahnen und ihr Verh�altniss zum Staat, 1834-1874
Exequias, tumulo y pompa funeral que la universidad de Salamanca hizo en las honras del Rey nuestro Señor Felipe III
Exequias, tumulo y pompa funeral que la universidad de Salamanca hizo en las honras del Rey nuestro Señor Felipe III
Quebec's tercentenary
Quebec's tercentenary
Voters' list of the municipality of London West for the year 1882
Voters' list of the municipality of London West for the year 1882
History of the Christian church
History of the Christian church
Lettre de Monsieur le marquis de Bonniuet escrite au roy
Lettre de Monsieur le marquis de Bonniuet escrite au roy
The White Rose
The White Rose
Zur Bevölkerungsstruktur österreichischer Städte im 17. [i.e. siebzehnten] Jahrhundert
Zur Bevölkerungsstruktur österreichischer Städte im 17. [i.e. siebzehnten] Jahrhundert
Département de Loir-et-Cher: Cahiers de doléances du bailliage de Blois et ...
Département de Loir-et-Cher: Cahiers de doléances du bailliage de Blois et ...
Preliminary report of the Factory Investigating Commission, 1912 ...
Preliminary report of the Factory Investigating Commission, 1912 ...
Hirlanda královna Bretaská
Hirlanda královna Bretaská
Greenport  (NY)   (Images of America)
Greenport (NY) (Images of America)
Edexcel GCE History Unit 1 e/F4 Republicanism, Civil War and Francoism in Spain 1931
Edexcel GCE History Unit 1 e/F4 Republicanism, Civil War and Francoism in Spain 1931
Das nord- und ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia: In so weit solches das ...
Das nord- und ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia: In so weit solches das ...
A brief record of events in Exeter, N.H., during the year[s] 1861
A brief record of events in Exeter, N.H., during the year[s] 1861
Agreement Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) limited with employees of Ladysmith - Wellington district, commencing February 1, 1917, ending October 31, 1919
Agreement Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) limited with employees of Ladysmith - Wellington district, commencing February 1, 1917, ending October 31, 1919
Afro-Americans in California
Afro-Americans in California
Geschichte Spaniens vom ausbruch der französischen revolution bis auf unsere tage
Geschichte Spaniens vom ausbruch der französischen revolution bis auf unsere tage
Al- 'Uqd al-lu'lu'yah
Al- 'Uqd al-lu'lu'yah
Unknown to history
Unknown to history
Historical essays
Historical essays
Union Notre-Dame de Québec, 62, Côte d'Abraham, soirée dramatique et musicale
Union Notre-Dame de Québec, 62, Côte d'Abraham, soirée dramatique et musicale
Anti-slavery Opinions Before the Year 1800: read before the Cincinnati literary club, November ...
Anti-slavery Opinions Before the Year 1800: read before the Cincinnati literary club, November ...
Princeton Nurseries 1917 [catalog]
Princeton Nurseries 1917 [catalog]
History of Grundy County, Illinois
History of Grundy County, Illinois
Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene